
From Science Fiction to Reality:
ASEA's Breakthrough in Redox Cell-Signaling

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One case lasts 1 month at 2 oz twice a day

ASEA Redox: $140 / case
One case = four 32 oz bottles

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  • ASEA® REDOX Supplement

ASEA REDOX Cell Signaling Supplement is the first and only supplement on the market certified to contain active redox signaling molecules, powerful cellular messengers that help protect, rejuvenate, and restore cells.* These molecules, native to the human body, are created through a groundbreaking, patented process that reorganizes molecules of refined salt and purified water into redox signaling molecules.

Millions of people around the world suffer from weak immune systems, unhealthy inflammatory response, cardiovascular issues, digestive complaints, and hormone imbalance*. These challenges may result from age or environmental factors such as stress, diet, and even the air we breathe. In fact, current research shows that some lifestyle choices can actually turn off genes, affecting all systems of the body like:

Natural and Effective Way to Enhance Well-Being

Unlocking the Power of ASEA: How it Improves Gene Expression for Optimal Wellness

The human body is a spectacular machine. It is comprised of systems and organs, tissues and bones, and a brain that helps everything function. The human body, when broken down on a much smaller scale, is made up completely of cells. In fact, the human body has between fifty and three hundred billion cells.

Inside every cell, we have mitochondria (some cells have thousands). Mitochondria, when functioning properly, produce something known as redox signaling molecules. These molecules act like little transmitters that communicate with each other. They are responsible for communicating when something goes wrong in a cell and signaling the genes to fix it.

Factors such as stress, aging, diet, and the air we breathe can actually turn off genes, causing the genetic instructions that keep our bodies healthy to fail. That is why the redox signaling process is of utmost importance for cells. Our bodies heal on a cellular level, and the genetic instructions that dictate healthy body function don’t get through without redox signaling. The consequences can manifest in every part of the body

Cell signaling is a major factor in gene expression, and not the kind of gene expression that determines your hair color and height. Genes do far more than control your physical appearance. They carry life-sustaining messages to cells, and your cells respond to those messages, keeping you alive and healthy.

As we age, cell signals weaken (think of your cells growing a bit rusty), and rusty cells can disrupt gene expression. But if you had a way to regulate gene activity with redox signaling molecules, cellular communication would remain strong.

After years of studies and research, scientists at ASEA founded a process that creates active, shelf-stable redox signaling molecules, and then put it into a safe, consumable form: ASEA REDOX Cell Signaling Supplement, also known as ASEA water.

ASEA’s breakthrough redox signaling technology provides critical connection and communication between cells to ensure optimal renewal and revitalization, supporting the development of new, healthy cells in the body. ASEA water is the only redox supplement certified to contain active redox signaling molecules, and just four ounces a day affects health at the genetic level. It can positively affect gene expression throughout the body, helping protect, rejuvenate and keep cells functioning at their optimal levels. ASEA water can have a positive impact on every system in your body from the day you start using it.

Native Cellular Communication

Salt & Water Reconfigured into Redox Cell-Signaling Molecules through a Proprietary Patented Process

What is REDOX?

ASEA REDOX Cell Signaling Supplement addresses cellular breakdown, starting at the genetic level. This supplement is created using a groundbreaking, patented process that reorganizes molecules of natural salt and purified water into redox signaling molecules and has been scientifically tested and shown to signal the activation of genetic pathways.


ASEA REDOX Cell Signaling Supplement contains active redox moleculescellular messengers that affect gene expression in a positive way, helping to protect, rejuvenate, and keep cells functioning at optimal levels. ASEA REDOX users enjoy cell signaling benefits, which translate to health at its most foundational level. ASEA REDOX has been scientifically tested and shown to signal the activation of genetic pathways and affect genes that:

Five Key Areas of Health are Affected by Cellular Breakdown

The Science

  • GENE EXPRESSION: ASEA partnered with a leading genetic research laboratory, to conduct an eight-week study showing the effects of ASEA REDOX on the activation of human genes. Results of the study showed a 20 – 31% difference in gene expression abundance in five genes. The genes activated in this study are known as pathway signaling genes, meaning they have the potential to influence many biological responses. These genes are key in the health of the individual and play a vital role in five human health areas as well as dozens of pathways.
  • ANTIOXIDANTS: Third-party scientists tested to determine if exposure to ASEA REDOX increased production of antioxidants such as glutathione peroxidase. The test indicated that exposure to ASEA REDOX did cause a marked increase in antioxidants without invoking an inflammatory response. In a related study, scientists attempted to determine if direct contact of ASEA REDOX to epithelial cells affects efficacy of important antioxidants in the body. Researchers found an 800% increase in effectiveness of glutathione after long exposure to ASEA REDOX.
  • OXIDATIVE STRESS: ASEA commissioned a leading researcher to conduct a study of the effects of ASEA REDOX on oxidative stress in the body. The results showed significant reduction of oxidative stress. Study participants experienced lowered 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine (8-OHdG), an oxidized nucleoside of DNA and biomarker of generalized, cellular oxidative stress. They also experienced a lowering of the oxidized form of LDL cholesterol. These findings suggest that ASEA REDOX may help reduce oxidative stress and support cardiovascular health.

We Live and Die by Our Cells

ASEA REDOX Cell Signaling Supplement is a first-of-its-kind supplement that contains active redox molecules—cellular messengers that affect genetic expression in a positive way, helping to protect, rejuvenate, and keep cells functioning at optimal levels.

The Only Redox Supplement Certified to Contain Active Redox Signaling Molecules

Power Your Life

ASEA REDOX Cell Signaling Supplement affects health at the genetic level. It is the only redox supplement certified to contain active redox signaling molecules.

Drinking ASEA REDOX every day is such a simple thing to do, and it enhances the ability of every cell in your body to facilitate positive gene expression, allowing you to experience the vitality of true health and wellness.

Order Direct from the FDA and NSF Certified Facility


Unlock the Secrets of Redox Biology